New-fashioned homesteaders are involved in

  • Growing food including raising livestock in non-factory-like conditions; worm farms; composting; preserving food including canning, freezing, dehydrating and fermenting; bread-making; cheese-making; wine and beer making;
  • Knitting, sewing, weaving, natural dyes;
  • Construction using locally-sourced and sustainable building materials, such as straw-bale, earthbag, adobe, rammed earth, bamboo;
  • Greywater, rain catchment, rain gardens, swales, and other water conservation techniques;
  • Non-petroleum-based transportation including bicycling, walking, biofuels and electric vehicles;
  • Non-petroleum-based energy like solar and wind power;
  • Local currency, bartering, work trading;
  • Foraging, gleaning, scavenging, reusing, repurposing;
  • Providing habitat for indigenous insect (and in some cases animal) populations within our food gardens;
  • Avoiding the use of pesticides and artificial or chemical fertilizers