I've just posted pictures of Gaza Garden.  While visiting, I was lucky enough to chat with a neighbor who has a bed in the garden.  She moved to North Richmond in 1943 from Arkansas with her parents and has seen all kinds of changes here.  It's a friendly neighborhood, and I know the garden will thrive.  When I visited, some of the beds were empty except for cardboard lining the bottom as a base mulch layer, and a big pile of wood chips was waiting to be spread.  If you are interested in seeing how gardens transform and are shaped by neighborhoods, visit the Gaza Garden now, and check back in the future.
I've also posted pictures of Scott Donahue's sculpture at the Peace Garden.

11/10/2010 09:01:44 am

The path to greatness is along with others.


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    I'm Catalin.  I have lived in Richmond, California, since 2009.  Before that, I lived many places, sometimes very simply without running water or electricity.  As a result, I really appreciate hot showers and washing machines!  I created this website to communicate about the tour and also to allow tour participants and hosts to communicate with one another.


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