I just spoke with Iyalode, who is a remarkable gardener, herbalist, medicine woman, and community leader.  She has been influential in the creation of many gardens in the Richmond area and is excited to open two community gardens for the Homestead Tour. 

Check out the Gaza Garden in North Richmond and the Peace Garden in the Iron Triangle.  If you're not familiar with these neighborhoods, or are only familiar with the negative publicity they have received, visiting these gardens is a great way to see for yourself the wonderful things happening everywhere in our community and to see the healing power of a garden.  Iyalode will be at one or the other of these two gardens during the Homestead Tour, and she is a wealth of information and wisdom.  I highly recommend visiting both these gardens!
10/4/2010 01:04:57 pm

Accidentally come here, I am incomparable to enjoy myself when i appreciate your beautiful article from my deep heart!


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    I'm Catalin.  I have lived in Richmond, California, since 2009.  Before that, I lived many places, sometimes very simply without running water or electricity.  As a result, I really appreciate hot showers and washing machines!  I created this website to communicate about the tour and also to allow tour participants and hosts to communicate with one another.


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